20 April 2010

Bev's birthday

Since I am in New Zealand I have inherited a new mum. As my own mum is so far away, I want to feel like I have something as close as possible to her. And Bev fits the bill perfectly. She is very generous (she gave me her engagement ring!!), patient and caring.

She also cooks yummy food and deserts and always has the house full of gorgeous flowers.

She even made this incredibly beautiful bouquet last weekend!

I feel very comfortable here and I wanted to show her that by making something special for her birthday. I really thought long and hard about what to make. And the winning idea was to decorate a plain top that she could use in this coming winter. So I bought a long sleeve grey top (she loves grey), a piece of ribbon and a box of nice sparkly beads. And made this.

I also decided to make my own embroided Happy Birthday card because I couldn't decide amongst the hundreds I saw in the shops. I hang it in the bathroom as I knew that' d be the first place she'd visit in the morning so it'd be her 1st surprise of the day! hehe

And this is something I forgot to blog about, the table mats I made for her for Xmas (she really likes black & white motifs). It was a fun project and I learnt a few things whilst I made it.

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