24 April 2008

Vintage buttons

Lucky me! my mother came to visit and she brought with her all my gran mother's old buttons!! She even separated them in bags per colours or material.. There are a few that are true antiques, made with baqulite! (bakelita) - some shapes and colours are unreal. Also, some have 6 holes?!

I feel so lucky!!


ROXY MARJ said...

Hey Yuri!!

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog about my dandelion homework! I would love love love to use that image for my mood board that you were talking about if possible. Sorry for such a late reply, I am just now getting back to my blog > school finals are going on right now < ;/

Simo said...

I like the bird button, that looks pretty unique :)

Penny said...

I love the colours of all those buttons.

Anonymous said...

Why are buttons so magical? funnily enough, I think I've got some of those green ones in the fourth or fifth pic down - they must have been very popular in their time!